Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pressing On!

May 20, 2010

I met some US students from Pennsylvania that are connected to Bethany Seminary, The Church of the Brethren. This church has some roots in Marburg and Professor Ken Rogers is leading a group of 7 students to learn about their roots, how church and life is in Germany, and finally Martin Luther. I was asked to give a little speech/talk about my cross-cultural experience or first impressions having been here 20 days already. There were speakers with various lengths of stay in Marburg that shared their experience too. There was a general consensus that Germans are very passionate and direct when specifically asked about issues that concern them. In terms of churches meeting together to discuss issues, one of the Marburg resident speakers said that state churches do not need to meet as much but with Freie Kirchen have to meet often because it is so scattered. I thought that was very interesting. One of the Pastors at the Lutherische Pfarrerkirche St. Marien commented on his visit in the US, was how he felt the unequal pay among pastors in regards to stating, "A pastor has a Porsch while another pastor cannot even afford one." Therefore he likes that pastors in Germany, no matter your status gets the same pay. Food for thought.

Also this Sunday at church, because of Pentecost (Pfingsten),  two sermons will be given, one in english and the other in German. It is a celebration of more than one languages being present in church that day. I cannot wait to see how they do this!

I am receiving so much information that is so rewarding and good for my project. There is a student from Korea, who has been at the university 8 years has just finished his thesis, which has been accepted. And guess what the topic was What is Martin Luther saying today? It seems to be the theme in the Church and in the minds of many theologians. Also this Korean student believes that Germans only have a Western view of Christianity, and have very poor knowledge about Middle or Far Eastern part of the country, where he believes Christianity had its start. At the same time I remember a Professor in class at Wartburg Theological Seminary talking about how Westerners try to assimilate Middle East rituals or covenant language which does not apply to us. That God's promise to the Jewish people is specifically theirs. Therefore, the Gentiles, non-Jewish people, who have been grafted in are under new Covenant under this grace through faith that Jesus Christ's death brings us. God keeping promises on both sides are a good thing.

Adding on to the discussion of What is Martin Luther saying today? theme is trying to respond to how the Church should work together with Culture. There seems to be a culture-conflict, a moving away from church identity and embracing vocational identity, which I believe the Two Kingdoms Doctrine along with Law/Gospel should be valuable truths from Martin Luther that could bridge that gap of understanding. Therefore making it so significant to use art, biology, music, science and so on, as ways of proclaiming truth about about the world which God has created. For me, my response to this evaluation of society will be through art.

Also the hesitancy of the culture embracing the Church is because of the Church's past history. There has been so much sexual and manipulation under God's name through the Church that some strongly feel it to be heretical and inactive towards society. Their actions seem to be more political rather than spiritual. Again I strongly believe that when society/this generation understands that evil exists in both kingdoms, and that our only source of comfort and perfect love is God through Jesus Christ's death and resurrection will there be a balance of understanding, so that virtue and moral living does not have to be destroyed every time another fallible person lets' us down.

There has also been a lot of reference to the Enlightenment period or that we are still in this period, I may wish to dive in a little deeper as to why it is being emphasized. It is not only used in the Church or as a theologian, but in propaganda and advertising, too.

Again, something to ponder and take note from my journey in Marburg. I will be booking some trips in Germany soon, so stay tuned!=)

Peace, Shalom, Erene and Friede be with you all!
Janai Robinson

Anyway here is some progress on my art:

I have had some great responses already and the painting is not done yet. A friend in my dorm felt touched by the movement of the art piece when I just had it in sketch form. It is going to be fascinating what comes out at the end!!